Develop new skills. Soar to great heights. Being a Cub opens up a whole other world.
Develop new skills. Soar to great heights. Being a Cub opens up a whole other world.
Welcome to the Cub pages of the website. Here we have all the information about Cubs
Cubs meet on a Monday night between 7:30pm and 8:45pm in the Canon Hoban Hall.
We have 3 terms in Cubs they run August to Christmas, January to Easter and Easter to Summer with fees paid monthly. Roughly speaking Cubs is on when school is on.
Cubs do lots of fun things. They go on adventures, camps, learn new skills and help others in the community. All while having fun!
If you like the sound of Cubs and your Young Person is aged 8 to 10 years, then fill in our Joining Form to get more info and join our waiting list.
If you are already part of Cubs why not visit the Parent Portal to find out what is happening.
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