Welcome to the BRUW Sett Explorer Scout Unit section of the website.
Welcome to the BRUW Sett Explorer Scout Unit section of the website.
Welcome to the BRUW Sett Explorer Scout Unit pages! Here you'll find more information about what we do, where we do it and how to get involved.
We are the BRUW Sett, we are the Explorers within the BRoxburn, Uphall and Winchburgh Area.
We meet on a Friday Night from 7:30pm during term time at the Cannon Hoban Hall in Broxburn.
Our leaders are Philip, Struan and Owain. Katie also assists sometimes.
We are always us to something on a Friday night!
From Driving Safety, Cooking, Pioneering, DofE to team games, we do a bit of it all. To see what we are up to soon - see our schedule over on the right hand side.
The BRUW Sett Explorers have reached Bronze on Scout Scotland's Youth Approved framework! This shows our commitment to listening to the Explorers and ensuring that our programme is shaped around them.
If you are aged 14 to 17 and would like to Join Explorers please use our Joining Form to contact us!
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